{New recycle bins}

Riciclolio project aims to develop sustainable consumption models and the recovery of waste to facilitate the proper disposal of waste vegetable oil from households.
At the beginning, the project was directed exclusively to schools with the installation of oil containers in some schools of Liguria. Each student had a small tank to collect the used oil.
The project was very positive and today Riciclolio is expanding its activities.
Riciclolio project has already installed 19 recycle bins free available (download .pdf with maps of recycle bins).   
Ricircoliamo shares the goal of Riciclolio to increase the quantities of vegetable waste oils coming from home users collected separately to be sent for recycling through the production of fuels with a low environmental impact (biodiesel): please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to allow the placement of new recycle bins!

Please contact Riclolio and ALSO also to join the project in the school.